Posts by stephany
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, often called "yellow disease" because jaundice of the skin and mucous membranes can be one of the manifestations of inflammation of the liver.
The natural treatment that we offer to cure hepatitis B and C consists mainly of natural herbal teas. It destroys the viruses that cause hepatitis and provides the antioxidants that help maintain the overall health of the liver. To find out more, click on the image below or contact us on +229 99 54 64 63.
Tel / WhatsApp: +229 99 54 64 63.
What are the causes of hepatitis?
- The viral hepatitis is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis virus. The most common are hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV).
- Viruses that cause hepatitis can enter the body through the digestive system (HAV), through contact with infected blood, through medical manipulation, or through sexual contact (HBV, HCV). Vertical transmission (from an infected pregnant fetus) is possible.
1. Hepatitis A
The cause of hepatitis A is the hepatitis A virus (HAV). This virus is usually transmitted through food or drinking water contaminated with the feces of people with hepatitis A who contain the hepatitis A virus.
Most people who get hepatitis A make a full recovery within two weeks to six months. This virus also does not leave liver damage, but in rare cases hepatitis A can cause liver failure to death.
2. Hepatitis B
The cause of hepatitis B is the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can be transmitted through body fluids infected with the hepatitis B virus.
Body fluids that can potentially transmit the hepatitis B virus are blood, vaginal fluid, and semen. Using shared needles, having sex with an infected partner, can trigger the risk of hepatitis B.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is spread through direct contact with body fluids infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Almost the same as hepatitis B, the cause of hepatitis B is injection drug use and sexual interference.
Hepatitis C often has no symptoms, but chronic infection can damage the day until cirrhosis. In some cases, people who suffer from cirrhosis also suffer from liver failure, liver cancer, etc. until their death.
4. Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D is also often called delta hepatitis. As with other hepatitis, the cause of hepatitis D is a virus which is the hepatitis D virus (HDV).
The hepatitis D virus can be infected through direct contact with infected blood. Hepatitis D is a rare hepatitis that only occurs in conjunction with hepatitis B. The hepatitis D virus cannot multiply without the presence of hepatitis B.
5. Hepatitis E
Hepatitis E is caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV). Hepatitis E can easily occur in an environment that is not well sanitized, due to contamination of the hepatitis E virus in water sources.
6. Other causes
In addition to viruses, other causes of hepatitis are due to liver damage caused by chemical compounds such as alcohol, drug use in excess of doses, exposure to poisons. Additionally, hepatitis can also occur due to autoimmune conditions in the body. The body's immune system attacks and damages the body's own cells and tissues, in this case the liver cells, causing inflammation.
N ° 1 : Ingredients - a stalk of one-finger brotowali - three glasses of water - a tablespoon of honey
How to do it: Wash the brotowali stems then cut them into pieces if necessary. Boil three cups of water up to the remaining cup. Once cooled, strain and add a spoonful of honey. Drink twice a day, every half a glass.
# 2: Ingredients - 9 to 15 grams of dried bougainvillea stems - three cups of water - a tablespoon of honey
How to do it: After cleaning, cut the bougainvillea stems finely. Enter a courier bin while adding three glasses of water. Boil until there is a glass of water left. Once it's cold, strain it. Drink filtered water after adding honey. Filtered water is taken twice a day, morning and evening, each half a glass
# 3: Ingredients - a handful of fresh bitter melon leaves - a cup of boiled water - salt to taste
How to do it: Wash the bitter melon leaves and rinse with boiled water. Mash the leaves until smooth while adding a cup of water. Stir until evenly distributed and add a little salt. Strain the mixture and drink it in the morning before eating. Note: This recipe should not be used when you are pregnant, as it can cause miscarriage.
# 4: Ingredients - two ripe tomatoes - enough sugar
How to make: After washing, cut the tomatoes into juice. However, if you do not have the tools, the fruits can be boiled with enough water. After boiling, crushed or crushed, then squeezed. The juice is added with a little sugar and then taken twice a day.
# 5: Ingredients - three ripe noni fruits or a handful of noni skin - a banana leaf - a piece of cloth - enough vinegar Method
How to do it: The noni fruit is washed and then rinsed with boiled water. Grate and press with a piece of cloth. The juice is drunk. Method II For external use, the noni skin is finely ground and then stirred with a little vinegar. Wrap the mixture in banana leaves. Heat for a while on fire or steam. In warm conditions, attach the wrapper to the upper right abdomen, where the heart is swollen and sore.
N ° 6: Ingredients - a tablespoon of papaya seeds - three fingers of papaya with papaya fruit - honey to taste
How to make: The seeds and fruits of papaya are mixed or mashed until the fruits are grated. The mixture is added to a honey to taste, then drink. Note: Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking this herb as it can cause miscarriage.
# 7: Ingredients - enough fresh carrots How to make carrots cleaned and then washed with boiled water.
How to do it: Cut as needed and juice it. Can also grate carrots and the results are squeezed, then filtered until collected in a glass. Carrot juice can be drunk immediately. Note: Most carrots can cause the skin color to turn yellow. If this happens, stop drinking the potion for a while. Any skin color will return to normal.
N ° 8: Ingredients - two fingers of fresh ginger rhizome - honey to taste
How to make: The ginger rhizome is peeled, then washed thoroughly. Rinse with boiled water then grated. Add half a cup of lukewarm water and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well then squeeze and strain. Filtered water is taken twice a day.
# 9: Ingredients - a one finger turmeric rhizome - a tablespoon of honey
How to make: a washed and shredded turmeric rhizome. Add a little water to the grater. Grated then filtered and add honey. Drink three times a day.
Natural treatment of hyperprolactinemia
Hyperprolactinemia is a condition in which a person has higher than normal levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain.
The main function of prolactin is to stimulate the production of breast milk after childbirth, which is why high levels of prolactin are expected during pregnancy. Prolactin also affects the levels of the sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) in women and men.

Testicular atrophy occurs when the testes contract. This is a fairly concerning medical condition because the testes, which are located in the scrotum just behind the penis, are responsible for creating sperm. The testes can contract for several reasons, including aging, an underlying medical condition, or infection. Learn more on the EFFECT OF RED GINSENG ON TESTICLE SIZE AND TESTOSTERONE.

Testicular atrophy: alternative natural treatment
The alternative natural treatment we offer you for testicular atrophy is a herbal tea made from African plants which you would get more information about later in the article.

How to get rid of testicular atrophy without medication?
Can you get rid of testicular atrophy naturally without medication? This is a popular question among sufferers of testicular atrophy, who have had their testicles shrunk without a warning. However, in this article, this question would not be left unanswered.