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Big penis thanks to garlic
Garlic to enlarge the penis
Are you concerned about the size of your penis and how to make it bigger? Needlessly - the length and thickness of the penis can vary widely and the size problem can usually be eliminated by choosing the right sexual techniques. If, however, the size of the penis bothers you, read or listen and you will learn some simple exercises that will make your penis a bit longer. Here is a garlic-based grandmother's remedy to enlarge and lengthen the penis.
But first, discover our natural treatment
African herbal tea (natural pill) effective to enlarge the penis
If you are looking for the most effective, fastest, longest lasting, most natural and least harmful herbal treatment for dick fattening, this natural treatment is for you. Here we offer you the best natural remedy for penis enlargement with plants. Indeed, it allows to quickly increase the size of the penis, in length as in thickness.
The results will be visible from the first weeks of use. This natural treatment surpasses conventional treatments (the operation).
Indeed, even if they can increase the size of your penis, they have side effects that could be far greater than the benefits you could find in them. It will make your penis grow naturally, durably and simply by stimulating your testicles to produce more testosterone (a hormone for virility and the development of secondary sexual characteristics).
To find out about our natural remedy to increase penis size, click on the image above or contact us via +229 99 54 64 63 or by clicking our WhatsApp button in the right corner of your screen.
Click here to contact us and order your treatment for a bigger penis
We deliver all over the world with representations in West and Central Africa
Garlic is known to be effective in increasing a man's libido. Moreover, it is believed that garlic helps to enlarge a man's penis in a natural and permanent way.
Eating onions regularly will make blood circulate quickly to the penis, making erections smoother, stronger and improving men's health. For those of you who want to increase penis size easily, you can use garlic. Here is how to use garlic applied to the genitals.
First, prepare the ingredients for making topical medicine from garlic, namely garlic and hot water. Then mash or mix the onions until smooth. Put it in a glass, then add enough hot water.
Drink some ingredients, while the other part (which is the garlic dregs) is used as a topical mixture on the penis. Then clean the penis first (wash with warm water, soap and dry with a soft towel). Apply the remaining garlic mixture that you drank earlier on the penis.
The last step is to rub gently with a massage, from the trunk to the head. Massage for about 15 minutes.

Onion Increases Penis Size
For many men, penis enlargement can be a serious concern, but most people don't know where to start when they want to gain extra inches. There are several commonly used methods to increase penis size, including penis enlargement surgery, penis enlargement pumps, penis enlargement exercises, and the use of herbal pills, such as garlic, for penis enlargement.
Some of these methods work, and others do not. The majority of these methods have drawbacks, while natural methods without side effects exist.
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in both size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Natural Treatment for Penis Enlargement
The natural treatment we offer for enlarging your penis is a herbal tea made from natural herbs and barks. It will quickly increase the length and girth of your penis safely, with excellent sexual performance.
The active ingredients of the plants in the natural treatment will increase the capacity of the cavernous bodies for greater blood flow to the penis. In addition to enlarging your penis, this will help you permanently overcome premature ejaculation and sexual weakness. Your erection will become intense and long-lasting.
This natural treatment is extremely effective and has already proven itself with many men. Our natural treatment is the miracle solution for those who want to naturally enlarge their penis.
Click on the image below to discover our treatment:Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.
THIS ARTICLE MIGHT ALSO INTEREST YOU : Garlic to enlarge the penis
Consuming Onions for Penis Enlargement
Research shows that onions are perfect for creating healthy blood circulation throughout the body, including the heart. Furthermore, consuming onions not only aids in blood circulation to the heart but also in blood circulation to the penis.
Recipe 1: Onion, Honey, and Garlic Juice for Penis Enlargement It can be consumed raw or in juice form!
- Cut one peeled onion into four parts
- Add two cloves of garlic
- A little honey (optional)
Excellent juice to boost your sexual potency!
Note: The juice is bitter; you should sip it slowly so it doesn't shock your system. But by choosing to add honey, it tastes good.
Recipe 2: Onion for Penis Enlargement
- Dice the onion finely
- Fry it in butter
- Consume it with honey in the morning
THIS ARTICLE MIGHT ALSO INTEREST YOU : Natural product to make the pleasure last
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.
Benefits of Onions for Health
Ancient writings attest that onions have been used since 4000 BC as a treatment for several diseases. During World War II, onion paste fumes were used to reduce pain and accelerate wound healing.
Today, onions still offer many health benefits:
- Anemia: Onions have a high iron content.
- Anti-inflammatory: Onions are a useful anti-inflammatory for reducing symptoms of inflammatory diseases like arthritis and gout.
- Antiseptic: Onions help fight infections caused by bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. They are effective against tuberculosis and urinary tract infections such as cystitis.
- Blood Pressure: Whether consumed raw or boiled, onions naturally lower blood pressure. They help thin the blood, dissolve blood clots, and cleanse the blood of unhealthy fats.
- Cholesterol: Daily consumption of half a raw onion reduces bad cholesterol. It reduces thrombosis symptoms and prevents cardiovascular accidents.
- Colon Cancer Prevention: Fructo-oligosaccharides in onions stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon, reducing the risk of tumor growth.
- Constipation and Flatulence: Onions can relieve constipation and chronic flatulence.
- Diabetes: The chromium in onions helps maintain the health of diabetics, lowers insulin levels, and increases glucose tolerance.
- Diuretic and Blood Cleansing Properties: Onions prevent water retention, help eliminate urinary sand, relieve gout, and arthritis.
- Ear Problems: In some cultures, cotton is soaked in onion juice to stop tinnitus.
- Hair Loss: Research has shown that onion juice applied to the scalp twice a week for two months can help regenerate hair.
- Immune Booster: Onions increase blood circulation and stimulate sweating. They are useful in cold weather to combat infections, reduce fever, and promote sweating during colds and the flu.
- Osteoporosis: It has recently been discovered that one of the components found in onions prevents bone fragility.
- Respiratory Problems: Equal amounts of onion and honey juice mixed and consumed daily can help thin mucus and prevent its formation. Additionally, onions are one of the best remedies for colds.
- Low Libido: Onion is a potent aphrodisiac, second only to garlic. White onion is the most effective variety.
- Urinary Tract Infections: Boil some pieces of white onion in half a liter of water until the water evaporates. Filter it through a sieve, let it cool, and drink it. The antibacterial properties help soothe the burning sensation during urination.
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.
The Main Reasons to Consume Onions
- Quercetin
Quercetin belongs to a class of plant-soluble pigments called flavonoids. Quercetin is one of the most studied vegetables containing flavonoids because it contains a large amount of this substance. It is a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E, according to recent research.
Quercetin has significant anti-inflammatory effects, contributing to the reduction and release of histamine and other allergic and inflammatory sources. Eating onion-cooked meat helps reduce the production of carcinogenic substances when meat is cooked at high temperatures, such as on the grill.
Quercetin can also help reduce symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and anxiety. It helps maintain cardiovascular health and is rich in flavonols, which reduce the risk.
- Flavonoids
Flavonoids are known for their antioxidant activity and are commonly called bioflavonoids.
- Chromium
Chromium is a molecule that helps cells respond properly to insulin. Clinical studies in diabetics have shown that it can lower glucose levels, increase glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, and total cholesterol and triglycerides, promoting the reduction of bad cholesterol. Chromium can be useful in preventing sudden energy drops.
- Natural Probiotics
Probiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that, when consumed, stimulate the multiplication and function of certain good bacteria in the intestines. Common sources of probiotics are onions, garlic, bananas, and asparagus.
Recent studies have shown that probiotics can relieve common diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, acne, food allergies, chronic fatigue, and depression.
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.
How to Take Care of Your Penis
Taking care of your penis is essential for maintaining good sexual and overall health. Here are some tips to help you take care of this important part of your body:
- Daily Hygiene
- Gently wash your penis with warm water and mild soap. Avoid scented or harsh soaps, as they can irritate the skin.
- Make sure to rinse thoroughly and pat your penis dry gently after washing.
- Safe Sexual Practices: Use condoms during sexual intercourse to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and prevent unwanted pregnancies.
- Monitor Your Diet: Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support blood circulation and overall health.
- Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking enough water every day. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy skin.
- Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid excessive use of chemicals or bath gels that could irritate the skin of your penis.
- Wear Proper Underwear: Opt for cotton underwear that allows the skin to breathe and reduces friction.
- Practice Good Sexual Hygiene: If you engage in anal sex, always use a water-based lubricant to reduce friction and irritation.
- Watch Your Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent circulation problems that could affect your penis's health.
- Physical Exercise: Regular exercise promotes good blood circulation, which is essential for penis health. Pelvic floor exercises can also be beneficial.
- Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you have concerns about your penis's health, such as pain, painful erections, unusual discharge, or erection problems, consult a doctor or urologist. They can provide you with appropriate advice and treatment.
In summary, taking care of your penis involves good hygiene, a balanced diet, safe sexual practices, and attention to your overall health. Remember that prevention is essential for maintaining good sexual health, so be attentive to any changes or issues and consult a healthcare professional if in doubt.
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.
BONUS: How Garlic Affects Our Sexual Response: Garlic for Penis Enlargement
Garlic is a food rich in essential substances and nutrients for the body, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as a large amount of amino acids. "The presence of zinc in garlic improves fertility and increases sexual appetite in men because it is a key mineral in the synthesis of sex hormones, especially testosterone, the male sex hormone," explains the nutritionist, noting that, although this hormone is also found in women, black garlic would be much more effective in them due to the higher amount of vitamin C and B complex."
Furthermore, it is rich in arginine, a vasodilator amino acid that has been used as a natural therapy for erectile dysfunction," says the expert. Since a man's erection is a phenomenon of blood circulation, it is clear that garlic, like all foods that promote circulation, will be more than beneficial. But it's also important for women as we have erectile mechanisms in our genitals, such as the clitoris.
Consuming garlic improves breathing by clearing the airways. In this way, it could even help us achieve orgasm by oxygenating us well, says the specialist. And if we want to enjoy an active sex life and revitalize it day by day, it is essential to fight fatigue by providing the body with nutrients that increase our energy, such as vitamin C and magnesium.
We have a highly effective natural remedy for enlarging the penis in size and girth without surgery and without side effects.
Order it now and start the natural treatment for penis enlargement as soon as possible. Support is provided throughout the duration of your treatment. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner of the screen or contact us at +229 66 23 89 56.
We are represented in all African countries and are active in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Central African Republic, Benin, Chad, South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville, and Kinshasa. So rest assured that you will receive your products immediately after ordering.
Delivery is free worldwide.