shea butter to increase penis

The effectiveness of shea butter in penis enlargement

By On 08/07/2020

Beurre de karite

Know that you are not the only one! The vast majority of men want it too. The good news is, you've come to the right place; here we will show you some tips to achieve this effortlessly with shea butter! The story of men who say they don't care about the size of their penis; or that what matters is performance is according to research a lie!

Do you want to learn how to enlarge your penis quickly and naturally with shea butter?

A video explains it a little further down in detail how to do it.

Good reading. Take your time and follow along.

Tout savoir sur la longueur du pénis -

All you need to know about penis length -

The vast majority are concerned about the size of their sexual organ and wish to increase their volume to better satisfy their partner. So, there are many remedies or natural products that help to increase the size and thickness of the penis, and this is what we will talk about below.

I already want to tell you very clearly that if you are wondering how to enlarge your penis, studies have indicated that the average size of a penis is 6 inches, which, in fact, for the vast majority of women is already more than enough. The problem is, men always equate their organ size with potency and manhood, so even though they're above average, they're still looking for a way that they can increase even more.



Recette : Baume nutritif - Karité & Avocat

Shea butter is a commonly used ingredient for skin and beauty products, but it can be especially beneficial for male health. If you use manual exercises in addition to a penis extender together then the results can be quick and permanent in the short term.

Before the massage techniques, discover some virtues of shea butter

Virtues of Shea Butter on the rod

Here's what you need to know about shea butter and why it's great to use it for penis enlargement exercises.

Jelqing pour agrandir le pénis : comment en profiter sans risque ?

By combining exercises like Jelqing with shea the first effects are felt after a few:

  • Erections and Harder Penis
  • More relaxed and heavier penis in flaccid state
  • The penis becomes thicker in a few weeks (in combination with jelqing)
  • Irrigation of the penis increased
  • The moisturizing agents in shea butter are chemically similar to those produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin, which makes shea an ideal natural ingredient for use on human skin.

Shea butter is very rich in vitamins A and E and has been shown to improve overall skin health.

This is ideal for use on the penis, as the area can be sensitive.

Want to get results much faster? Discover this product!


African herbal tea effective to enlarge the penis

If you are looking for the most effective, fastest, most durable, natural and least dangerous herbal treatment for zizi fattening, this natural treatment is for you. Here we offer you the best natural remedy for penis enlargement with plants. Indeed, it allows to quickly increase the size of the penis, in length as in thickness.

VARICOCÈLE: Barks, Herbal teas, Plants, Roots

The results will be visible from the first weeks of use. This natural treatment surpasses conventional treatments (the operation).

This is because even though they may increase the size of your penis, they have side effects that may be far greater than the benefits you get from them. It will make your penis grow naturally, durably and simply by stimulating your testicles to produce more testosterone (a hormone for virility and the development of secondary sexual characteristics).

To discover our natural remedy to increase penis size, click on the image above or contact us via +229 99 54 64 63 or by clicking on our Whatsapp button in the right corner of your screen.

Penis Exercises For More Length, Girth & Stamina

This video explains it in detail. Follow it directly from our website as other articles are available below. So stay on our page

How should shea butter smell?

Shea butter in its natural state has an aroma that most people find quite pleasant or at least not offensive. I think it's a smell that comes over you over time. The smell of raw West African shea usually varies from a nutty smell. As the shea butter ages, the aroma will begin to diminish.

Tout sur le beurre de karité | Myafricainfos

If you buy almost odorless unrefined shea butter, chances are it is old. Shea butter is quite stable when stored correctly. But it can get rancid. Shea butter should not smell moldy or rotting, regardless of age. If you don't like the aroma of natural raw shea butter, you can buy more refined shea which has been filtered through clay to remove the natural aroma. But before doing that, we recommend that you buy the sweetest variety from East Africa.

How to store shea butter?

You don't need to store shea butter in the refrigerator. In fact, it would make it very difficult to use. It will keep under normal conditions for about two to three years. Over time, it will be less effective in terms of healing properties. But, it will remain a good moisturizer. Keep it in a cool place and keep the container closed to avoid contamination.

My shea butter is melted: what to do?

It is not at all unusual. During the summer months, much of the shea butter that is shipped will melt somewhere along the way to you. If you leave it in the car (we've done this a few times) and come back and it's liquid, don't panic. In fact, one of the wonderful properties of shea butter is that it melts well around body temperatures.

Fabriquez-vous un beurre corporel au karité, huile végétales et ...

When you apply it to your skin, it quickly becomes liquid, making it easy to apply and coat. If your shea butter melts, simply remove the lid from the container and place it in the refrigerator. Or just keep it in an air-conditioned room. As it begins to cool, stir it occasionally to bring the liquid parts (called olein) back into a uniform distribution with the solid parts (called stearin).

Click here to order our effective and fast product for penis enlargement. Get as many extra centimeters as you want with it. Our product is available here: natural treatment to enlarge the penis.

What color should my shea butter be?

Comment réussir à bien choisir son beurre de karité ?

The color of shea butter will vary more than you might think. The ultimate color of the butter will depend on the shea nuts used. Shea nuts will be almost white to yellow in color. There is no way to determine the quality of shea butter based solely on its color. There is even a naturally almost saffron (golden yellow) shea butter.

But, shea butter doesn't have to be green or very hard. We prefer ivory or beige shea butter which indicates that it has not been too refined. Too white shea butter was probably quite refined and may not be as good for healing.

How can shea butter benefit me?

Over the years we have found that shea butter can help so many problems that a joke around our house is like Windex in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Tywana always says "Put some shea butter on it".

Shea butter can provide relief for everything from simply dry skin to many minor skin conditions (if you have a severe skin condition you should see a doctor). It has been clinically proven to provide benefits. Here are some of the benefits of shea butter for the skin:

  • Ideal for daily moisturizing the face and body (face and body)
  • Relieve dry skin
  • Moisturize a dry scalp
  • Soothing rash, including diaper rash
  • Minimize skin peeling after sunburn
  • Heals imperfections and wrinkles
  • Relieve itching due to dryness
  • Soothing sunburns
  • Can be used before shaving to minimize razor burn
  • Treat small skin wounds
  • Softens and heals cracked skin
  • Softens calluses on feet, especially heels
  • Prevents stretch marks in pregnancy
  • Heal minor burns
  • Treat mild to moderate eczema
  • Protects the skin (especially the lips) from the sun and wind
  • Smooth the complexion
  • Prevents or minimizes blemishes and scars
  • Stop scalp irritation due to dryness or chemical treatment like death or relaxants
  • Prevent bumps after shaving
  • Treat acne (especially when used with African black soap)
  • Easily absorbed (non-comedogenic). Absorbs without clogging pores
  • Maintains and restores the natural elasticity of the skin

Plants to enlarge the penis

Before seeing which shea butter to choose, here are two medicinal plants that are useful for you, sir, two plants that have also proven their effectiveness and their speed of action:

  • Ginseng for penis enlargement

Le ginseng, la plante aux 1000 vertus !

It is also effective in this regard. Ginseng root extract increases the amount of living sperm. It is also a solution against premature ejaculation, a common problem in men.

  • Goat Grass (Epimedium brevicornum) for penis enlargement 

Ageratum conyzoides – Plantslive – Buy Plants Online India

This herb is also known as epimedium. It could be as effective as Viagra but with fewer side effects. Epimedium brevicornum is often used in Asian countries to improve the libido of both men and women.

This plant contains icariin, a compound that increases erectile function. It also increases blood circulation to the penis which means a bigger and stronger erection. Goat weed can also stimulate the release of testosterone, which is responsible for increasing libido in men.