How to treat hepatitis b and c naturally and without side effects?

By On 29/12/2020 at 12:12


The HCV is a virus of the family  Flaviviridae. It is estimated that around 170 million people are infected with it worldwide. In Africa, this number is 700,000 and 2,000 are recognized each year. Most hepatitis C infections are asymptomatic. 




Hepatitis C - what is it?


Hepatitis C  was there a few dozen to twelve called  non-A - not B,  is this  -  that she was not caused by the commonly known viruses.

It is an infectious disease  that is responsible for the development of the hepatitis C virus which attacks liver cells (hepatocytes). The virus is transmitted by blood or other secretions, it is not transmitted by mouth (unlike the less common hepatitis A or hepatitis E viruses).

WELL ! dear patients, do you suffer from hepatitis b, c?

Don't chalk anything! we offer you a treatment based on powerful African plants to permanently cure hepatitis.





The natural treatment that we offer to  cure hepatitis B, like hepatitis C,  is essentially made from natural herbal teas. It is one of the best natural remedies to treat hepatitis symptoms. The natural remedy for hepatitis is made up of plants that have been shown to be effective with dozens of cases resolved.

This natural remedy has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in healing and preventing liver problems. It also fights against viruses that cause hepatitis and provides antioxidants that help maintain the overall health of the liver. It helps the body fight viral infections and cleanse the liver.

To better understand its mode of action, we invite you to contact our experts at +229 99 546 463 or click here



Hepatitis C - morbidity


It is estimated that there are around 170,000,000 people infected with hepatitis C worldwide, and the number in Africa is 700,000. Most are asymptomatic or the symptoms are very subtle, not requiring them to start. the diagnosis. Unfortunately, a large percentage of infected patients (up to 85%) develop chronic hepatitis, which can lead to cirrhosis .

Hepatitis C - causes

There are 3 main routes of infection:

  • violation of tissue continuity and exposure to blood and other secretions,
  • sexual contact
  • perinatal infection (infection of the newborn by the mother).

The virus can be found in blood, cerebrospinal fluid , synovial fluid, vaginal fluids, and tears.

The potential situations that favor infection are:

  • activities related to the breakdown of the skin and mucous membranes, such as operations, dental procedures, cosmetic or hairdressing procedures, piercing, tattooing,
  • blood transfusion (the blood of recipients is tested for the presence of infectious agents, but infectious agents may not be detectable within a short period of time)
  • contact with infected people,
  • sexual contact with many partners, with unknown partners (mostly unprotected contact, but remember that a condom is not 100% protection against disease!),
  • intravenous drug use
  • blood transfusion before 1992.

Hepatitis C - symptoms

The disease can be asymptomatic or show subtle symptoms, often overlooked or inconspicuous. The incubation period (i.e. from the time of infection) includes:

  • tired,
  • low grade fever
  • enlarged liver and pain
  • muscle pain
  • osteoarticular pain,
  • Rashes,
  • increased serum transaminases and bilirubin.

The symptoms of hepatitis C are similar in all types of hepatitis, whatever the virus that causes them. The most common are:

  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), may be accompanied by darkening of the urine, sometimes discoloration of the stools, itchy skin,
  • flu-like symptoms (low-grade fever, muscle, joint and bone pain)
  • dyspeptic symptoms (lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting),
  • weakness,
  • pain, distension, discomfort in the right hypochondrium caused by an enlarged liver.

Chronic hepatitis C is often asymptomatic, fatigue and weakness are possible. Since chronic hepatitis is at risk of developing cirrhosis, symptoms of cirrhosis may appear after different periods of time.

Hepatitis C - virus and outbreak period

The culprit is the  virus of  the  hepatitis C, which is an RNA virus  (its genetic material is written in the RNA strand). The natural host of the virus is human, liver cells called hepatocytes are susceptible to infection.

The incubation period  (the time between infection and the onset of symptoms or results confirming infection)  averages 4 to 20 weeks. Immediately after infection, tests for hepatitis C may be negative despite the presence of a virus in the body (we are talking about the so-called diagnostic window).

Hepatitis C - diagnosis

Treatment of viral hepatitis is carried out by a  doctor  (specialist in infectious diseases),  a hepatologist. When reporting to a doctor, regardless of the disease, it is necessary to find out what is wrong, since when the problems last. If there are several health problems, it is often important to:

  • the order in which the problems appeared (who was first, in what order they appeared),
  • what is the worst
  • how the nature of ailments changes over time (are they all the same or do they change).

In case of pain, it is important to plan:

  • painful places (visible in the hand),
  • determination of the nature of the pain (constant, sharp, burning, wrinkled, unbearable, weak),
  • determination of factors affecting the severity of pain (eg change in position, specific movement, meal).

For vomiting or nausea,  it is important that the doctor determines how often it occurs, under what circumstances (eg after meals, medication), what is the content of the vomiting (food, bile, saliva itself , blood mixture, coffee grounds). If the patient has lost weight, it is important to know in what period and over how many kilograms and, most importantly, whether the loss of kilograms is due to weight loss. Ask yourself if you have ever suffered from a similar or similar discomfort.

If you think you could "catch" an infectious disease or food poisoning, think about when and under what circumstances it could happen. Be honest not only with the doctor, but especially with yourself!

Hepatitis C - molecular diagnostic methods

Earlier, about 2 weeks after infection, the virus's genetic material, or RNA, appears. It is the first detectable viral marker. In order to determine the RNA of the virus, several molecular diagnostic methods can be used, for example:

  • hybridization with amplification (multiplication),
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with reverse transcription RT-PCR,
  • ligase chain reaction (Abbott),
  • NASBA (amplification based on nucleic acid sequence).

It is also possible to  quantify the amount of viral RNA  . As a confirmatory test (when there are for example ambiguities), immunoblot tests (Western blot) are carried out.

An increase in liver enzymes (ALT and AST) occurs due to the inflammation. Enzyme activity during chronic hepatitis can normalize, but it can also change in waves.

Hepatitis C - liver biopsy

To determine the severity of hepatitis,  a liver biopsy  is  performed  ,  which involves removing a fragment of the liver with a special needle. The puncture is performed in a hospital setting, the patient should be monitored 24 hours after the biopsy. A piece of liver tissue is determined, for example, for inflammation (infiltration of inflammatory cells) or fibrosis.

Hepatitis C - medical treatment

Non-pharmacological treatment in hepatitis C is the same as in hepatitis A and includes:

  • lifestyle at rest, that is to say without physical effort,
  • stay in bed (in the most serious cases),
  • easily digestible diet, which develops gradually,
  • no alcohol
  • avoid certain medications,
  • when itching (associated with cholestasis) occurs, bile acid binding drugs are introduced into the intestinal lumen.

The effectiveness of antiviral therapy in acute hepatitis C is controversial. Remember that most acute inflammations are asymptomatic!

Chronic hepatitis C  is treated with the antiviral drug ribavirin and pegylated alpha interferon (the scheme is valid worldwide). This treatment lasts several to several tens of weeks and unfortunately it is not 100% effective.

Hepatitis C - home treatments

Here are three plants that are exceptional liver regenerators.
thistle  :

Infusion: ground seeds are used from the plant - a tip of a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water; drink two cups / day, the first - in the morning, before meal, and the second is shared after lunch and dinner; rest is essential after each administration: lie down, 20 minutes, on the right side; the cure lasts 10 days.

Infusion : half a teaspoon of herbs in a cup of boiling water; drink two tablespoons of infusion, at 3 hour intervals, then take a 12 hour break. Powder: a quarter of a teaspoon of teaspoon powder is taken sublingually, every four hours; the cure lasts 10 days.

Decoction : especially use chicory root - boil, for five minutes, in 250 ml of boiling water, two teaspoons of root roots; the resulting decoction is divided into three doses and one dose is drunk before the main meals; the cure lasts 10 days.