Garlic: natural remedy for oligospermia

By On 05/10/2020 at 19:17


In men, the ability to have sex, the right quantity and quality of semen, its unhindered emptying and the freedom to infect are the basic conditions for fertility. "Garlic and male fertility". "Garlic and sperm"

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The fertile sperm is 2-5 ml, in which the sperm count is over 20 million / ml and the proportion of well-moving cells is at least 70%. Semen liquefies in 20 minutes and is slightly alkaline. If any of these parameters do not respond, contraception will be reduced. This is the case with oligospermia, which is characterized by low mobility of spermatozoa.

MALE FERTILITY: Herbal tea against oligospermia

The  natural treatment that we offer to regain your fertility consists of herbal tea . The composition of the herbal tea will depend on the cause of your infertility (oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, teratospermia). Our natural remedy is the secret to curing all forms of male infertility. It is made with  herbal remedies  that have been shown to have effects in studies and hundreds of years of use to  treat male infertility problems .

Natural cryptozoospermia treatment

Contact our experts on  +229 99 546 463 (Also available on WhatsApp).

The  natural remedy  contains plants whose active ingredients are able to restore the male hormonal balance by increasing the level of testosterone, the number and the mobility of your sperm.

It is the miracle solution to cure oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, and teratospermia. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health.

To better understand its mode of action, we invite you to  click on the image above.

Garlic against oligospermia: solution by plants

Garlic is a natural aphrodisiac which also increases sperm count. The allicin content increases the resistance of semen and improves blood circulation. In addition, the selenium content improves sperm motility.


One of the best things we can do to support fertility is to maintain proper detoxification. The good news is, you don't need to do a juice cleanse or a quick detox. Fortunately, foods like garlic improve the body's innate ability to flush out toxins.

How to eat garlic

• Chop fresh garlic, add it to salads, soups and other savory dishes.
• Enjoy pesto with garlic and other herbs

Also read : Homemade tips to recognize a testicular hydrocele

Natural tips to improve semen 

  • Choose organic products not only for food, but also when purchasing deodorants and other cosmetics to avoid toxic chemicals.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin C, zinc, selenium, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids such as pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, spinach, eggs, lentils, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and oranges. You can also take food supplement capsules if your doctor recommends it.
  • Avoid using plastic bottles, containers, and other plastic devices to prevent xenoestrogen (environmental estrogen) from entering the body.
  • Do not wear tight underpants and underpants.
  • Avoid hot baths and saunas so as not to overheat your testicles, which damages normal sperm production.
  • Avoid stress because it affects the hormones that produce sperm.
  • Pay attention to your weight.

Benefits of garlic for humans


  • Improves athletic performance

Legends say that in ancient Greece, athletes ate garlic before the Olympics and modern research confirms the effectiveness of this miracle product in improving physical performance.

For example, studies by Japanese scientists have shown that garlic can reduce exercise-induced fatigue. They hypothesized that this function of garlic could be closely related to its many biological and pharmacological effects.

  • Protection against prostate cancer


Doctors conducted a study assessing the relationship between garlic and onion consumption and the risk of prostate cancer. After careful analysis of previous studies on this topic, they concluded that "garlic consumption is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer". But to finally confirm this conclusion, in their opinion, separate studies are needed on this issue.

Causes of sperm disorders:

  • Congenital disorders
    • Sertoli cell syndrome only - the testes do not have the epithelium that produces germ cells. It represents 6% of infertility. Unfortunately, healthy stem cells also cannot be obtained with a test biopsy because there are only supporting cells.
    • Klinefelter's syndrome - a very rare disease. In this case, you have more than one female chromosome. In this case, there are 47 chromosomes instead of 46.  In this disorder, the collection of sperm from the testes is successful, and artificial insemination may also be successful.
    • Y chromosome microdeletion - Y chromosomes are eliminated in no time. The spermatogram shows severe oligo- or azospermia. In this case, the success of collecting semen from the testes changes.
    • Ivemark Syndrome - this disorder is a disease that affects several other organs. In addition to the deficiency of the spleen, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and intestinal malformations, there is also a genetic defect in semen. The sperm count is normal but completely still. This syndrome is not an inherited disease.
    • Cryptorism (latency) - the testes (one or both) get trapped in the groin canal. If the testes do not enter the scrotum with drugs or prompt surgery, where the temperature is suitable for them, infertility develops. Bilateral latency is almost always associated with infertility.
    • Blockages - blockages can not only develop due to disease, but can also occur congenitally. One such inherited recessive disorder is bilateral lack of the sperm duct. In two-thirds of cases, there is a mild form of cystic fibrosis in the background. Although no sperm is present in the ejaculate in this case, since the formation of sperm is not disturbed, in the case of a biopsy, sperm can be obtained from the testes or the epididymis, artificial insemination is possible.
  • Hormonal Problems
    If there is a  problem with  the hormonal function of the testes or if the pituitary function is insufficient, the testes may die. A hormonal problem such as tuberculosis or  gonorrhea  can also cause. If the testes are intact, infertility can be reversed with hormonal replacement.
  • Genital infection - the most common cause of prostatitis and any semen disorder develops.
  • Azoospermia - complete absence of sperm. It is formed when the sperm line is blocked. If the occlusion is caused by an acute infection, fertility can be restored after targeted antibiotic treatment. If, on the other hand, it also heals, it is azoospermia, so the infertility remains permanent.
  • Oligozoospermia - partial deficiency of sperm. It is also caused by inflammation, but its severity is milder so that the sperm duct is only partially blocked. There are few sperm in the ejaculate. Antibiotics can reverse the situation.
  • Asthenospermia - poor circulation of sperm. Inflammation causes sweat to form, which contains an enzyme (lysozyme) that dissolves cell membranes in semen and kills semen (necrozoospermia).
  • Infections - Untreated on time mumps can cause infertility.
  • Infertility due to trauma - testicular injury or testicular torsion the time factor is important. If no intervention is taken within 6 hours, the damage can lead to infertility.

garlic for male infertility Garlic for improving sperm mobility garlic and sperm